Implement an OAuth 2.0 Server (Part 02)

Welcome to the second part of a series of posts where we will implement an OAuth 2 Server using AspNet.Security.OpenIdConnectServer.

Project Setup and Dependency Downloads

Create a new ASP.NET Core Web Application named OAuthTutorial. You can use your own name, but make sure to get your namespaces correct if you do.

It’s helpful if you have Create directory for solution and Create new Git repository checked.

new project

Select Web Application (Model-View-Controller)


Click Change Authentication and choose Individual User Accounts with Store user accounts in-app.


Add Packages

Open the Package Manager Console and enter the following:

Install-Package AspNet.Security.OpenIdConnect.Server -Version 2.0.0-rc2-final
Install-Package AspNet.Security.OpenIdConnect.Extensions -Version 2.0.0-rc2-final
Install-Package AspNet.Security.OpenIdConnect.Primitives -Version 2.0.0-rc2-final
Install-Package AspNet.Security.OAuth.Introspection -Version 2.0.0-rc2-final
Install-Package AspNet.Security.OAuth.Validation -Version 2.0.0-rc2-final

Changing Ports + Disabling SSL

Strictly for development purposes of this demo application, we’re going to disable SSL because its more trouble than it’s worth at this stage. We don’t want to have to keep accepting a new root certificate each time we reboot our development machine, and if you’re using WSL, then constantly forcing curl to ignore the invalid cert is also irritating.

We’re also going to choose a nicer port for our server. This tutorial will use 5000.

You can find these settings in the Project -> OAuthTutorial Properties menu from the topbar, then selecting Debug from the side bar.

open properties

Uncheck Enable SSL and change the port in App URL to 5000 or something nicer. Finally, make sure you also change the Launch Browser setting to read http://localhost:5000. The important take away is to exchange https for regular http and to make the port the same as the one we selected.

change the settings

Moving On

The demo of this project to this point can be found here on GitHub.

In the next section we’ll adjust the password requirements and create our initial migration.


Posts in this series